尼泊尔cathy 发表于 2014-7-13 09:14:18

Niche 小学校长Samuel M Kamau感谢函及汇款凭证 the dreamers

                        Niche                                             小学校长Samuel M Kamau感谢函及汇款凭证Samuel M Kamau                                                                                          Nicheprimary School                                                                                       Pobox 160-00902 Kikuyu                                                                                       Email: nicheschool2014@gmail.com

   The Dreamers NGOand all donors,Hordes of humanityaccept that the linchpin asset in our dynamic society is the education of itscitizens. As the Niche School fraternity we are very thankful to ourbrothers and sisters in Chinawho have devoted to support our School. We have been having a number ofchallenges in our school because most of our pupils come from a poorbackground. We really grateful for your generous donation of water tank andclass four text books. With your donation we promise to inspire and illuminatea brighter hope in our pupil's lives. Thanks once again for becoming God'sambassadors of help to our school. May God bless you ALL.Yours SincerelySamuel M KamauHead teacher

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